Top 5 Main Types Of Healthy Fats

July 11, 2018

Healthy fats are highly recommended by nutritionists due to the benefits they have for the human body. This is why they will keep on stressing you to consume them. And they will even go a step further to give you a list of foods rich in fats. The list is usually endless but it is worth the benefits and investment one makes in buying the food rich in fats. Whether you want to live a healthy lifestyle or you want to lose weight, healthy fats are an excellent addition to your diet. Below are types of healthy fats you can try.


Avocadoes are considered as fruits, but they do not have carbs like the rest other types of fruits. Instead, avocados are rich fats that you should not miss every time you are having a meal. These fats have lots of benefits to the human body. Avocados also contain potassium elements. A healthy and ripe avocado also contains fiber that will help you indigestion. These two combinations of potassium and fiber will have an excellent benefit to your body.


Coconuts, famously coated in a hard brown shell-like structure, are rich in saturated fat. Despite being hard to crack, coconuts are also highly recommended by almost all nutritionists on the earth because they help to improve the immune system. This will protect your body against deadly pathogens that may cause diseases. This should motivate you to have coconut oil included in your diet.


The kind of chocolate you need to consume is dark chocolate. With 63% of calories, dark chocolate contains fiber, iron, and magnesium that will help lower your blood pressure if you happen to be suffering from high blood pressure. You need to take large quantities in order to improve your brain functioning. Dark chocolate will also make your skin shine and protect you from harmful rays when exposed to the sun. There is an endless list of importance of healthy fats in dark chocolate to the human body.

Fatty Fish

There is a variety of fish today, but the ones recommended most times are salmon and herring. This is because they contain healthy fats that are good for the body. Next time you go to buy fish, you should get these rich fatty fish for your family. Others types of fish that you can add on your list are trout and mackerel. Studies have shown that they are also rich in healthy fats. They contain Omega-3, which helps to reduce the risks of heart diseases. Improve your health by consuming these types of fish that are rich in good fats.


Eggs are rich in fats since they contain cholesterol that is very important to your body. Your diet should never miss whole eggs in it because the nutrients contained come in handy with important health benefits. Anyone intending to lose weight should consume lots of eggs because the proteins in it are known to trigger or cut the excess unnecessary fats in the body. Remember not to throw away the yolk; it is the center of all the nutrients you need.

The above list will help you select and balance your diet. Always ensure you have several of the healthy fat-rich foods on your table every time you having a meal. A healthy life results from consuming foods rich in healthy fats.

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Andi Perullo de Ledesma

I am Andi Perullo de Ledesma, a Chinese Medicine Doctor and Travel Photojournalist in Charlotte, NC. I am also wife to Lucas and mother to Joaquín. Follow us as we explore life and the world one beautiful adventure at a time.

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