With new trends being introduced in the industry every now and then, it is easier for everyone to appear however they want. Slim people can now look fatter if they wish to, fat people can look slimmer and even short people can now look taller. This does not require you to go under the knife; you only have to find the right accessories to bring out the features you wish.

Below are a few tips on how to appear taller as a short man:
Wear High Heels:
This has proven the most effective, cheap, consistent and quickest way of increasing your height. Just imagine what three or four inches can do to your current height, this height increase is done in such fashion that it appears very natural without anyone else having to know what was done. They are also very comfortable and will not give you problems even when you wear them for long hours.
Wearing Shoe Insole Lifts:
Elevator shoes do not necessarily have to be glaring for the world to see (not that it’s anyone’s business if it does, but we understand that men want to preserve their dignity and respect). But with insole lifts in your shoes, it will feel very natural and will increase your height. The advantage of insole lifts is that they can be easily detached and can even be inserted in your regular shoes; all you have to do is fix it inside the shoes. This is very similar to what women do with shoe pads.
If you are to use insole lifts in your shoes, ensure it already has a lifted insole despite how simple you wish it to be. Thus, if you are in the category of men who always enquire how to add four inches to your height, one of the ways of doing that is in heels; particularly insole lifts. With this, everyone will think you are naturally taller when it is just insole lifts at work.
Asides from wearing elevator shoes and insole lifts, there are other natural ways to look taller without having to undergo surgery, these include:
Stand Erect:
As insignificant as this may seem, it’s one way to look taller. By standing erect (with your chest up and your shoulders back) you will have a taller appearance than how you currently are. If you are wondering how to do this, stand in a full-sized mirror or ask someone to help you correct your posture.
Other advantages of standing erect include:
Strong bones
Strong muscles
Proper functioning of the nervous system
Do not wear baggy clothes:
Baggy clothes have a way of making one smaller and shorter and since the aim is to appear taller, then it’s not needed. Rather, opt for clothes that are fitted, you will appear taller that way.
Wear the right size of Shirt:
Just like wearing baggy shorts, the wrong type of shirt size will only make you appear smaller hence it should be avoided at all costs. Go for clothes that are your exact size.
By doing all these, you will find out you aren’t as short as you perceived.
GuidoMaggi offer various forms of elevator shoes for men and women, in various styles and materials including rubber and leather depending on one’s preference.

You’re right, it is easier now for everyone to appear and choose their style. Wearing elevator shoes to look taller naturally is a good option. You can also wear it on any kind of occasion.