Traveling the country has many perks, not only do you get to see and experience some pretty amazing places, but you get to spend quality time with friends or family and enjoy the freedom to plan you own route and itinerary.
However when you have been on the road for a few days, your natural sleep pattern has been disturbed and the days are feeling incredibly long, it is not always easy to keep yourself awake behind the wheel. Driving overnight is not for the faint-hearted, it requires a lot of concentration and focus, all while you try to stay alert and avoid the dangers of the road. If you have been injured in a car accident then reach out to a lawyer who can give you the information you need, such as knowing whether Texas statute of limitations help with personal injury, and whether or not you have a case.
If you are planning an overnight drive as part of your travel adventures, then read on for five ways to stay awake and alert behind the wheel:
Sleep Is Your Friend
Yes. Believe it or not, if you want to have enough energy to get through your night drive, then getting enough sleep the night before or sleeping in the day before you drive will put you at an advantage. It’s not always easy to sleep when you’re travelling, so if you are struggling for whatever reason, opt to rest as much as possible and avoid anything that requires energy. That hike around the state park will have to wait I am afraid!
Stop, Often
It is logical to avoid making stops whilst you are driving through the night, after all, you want to get there as quickly as possible. However, if you make regular stops, you can get out of the vehicle, stretch your legs and enjoy a little fresh air. A warm car and a low resting heart rate will have you asleep in minutes, so get out and move your body as much as you can. When you plan your route, add plenty of breaks in.
Open The Window
When you are warm and comfortable, sleep is inevitable. So, open the window slightly and allow a supply of cool, night air into your car. Your passengers will not notice, and you can focus a little more.
Ask Your Passengers For Help
Keeping yourself awake is much easier when you have someone to talk to and laugh with. If you are worried you might struggle overnight, then get your passengers involved. Chat about your favorite songs, your top five movies, or recall your most cringe-worthy moments. If all else fails, turn up the music and sing along. Concentrating on the lyrics will help keep you focused and alert.
Pull Over
Sometimes, it is simply safer to pull over and sleep. Even if it is just for an hour or so. You might have been hoping to reach your destination sooner, but you should always put safety first. Once you are feeling refreshed, you can carry on with your journey.