If your love for jewellery isn’t a fling and you can’t wait to adorn your dream of starting a jewellery business, then this guide will surely help you get through. Jewellery making is a low investment business, though it will take some time to make your presence seen in the market out there as it is crowded.
The market is saturated, for sure, but there is leeway for a newbie whose craft talks. Selling jewellery comes with its own perks and headaches.
This go-to guide will help you turn your hobby into a full-time, profitable business.
Find your niche
Businesses can not be developed on unsystematic order rather several things need to be considered in making your business work. First and foremost, find your angle and cling to it. Defined collection with the targeted base will fetch sales.
Make what you excel at, be it fine, costume, trendy, Bohemian, classic, or bridal jewellery. Decide if you’re going to craft everyday jewellery like silver earrings or sterling silver rings or occasional ones like diamond rings.
Materials and production
The next challenge a newbie has to face is how the products will be made. Few options are available when it comes to crafting a product, by outsourcing, handcrafting, at home, or in a factory. The decision will depend upon the skill, budget, materials, equipment availability, and complexity of the design.
Handcrafting a jewellery adds a personal touch. Some material and designs like goldsmithing, weaving, laser cutting, soldering, etc need training and special equipment to craft.
Fashion or costume jewellery can be handcrafted as it requires assembling of different elements without any specialized equipment except pliers, jewellery hammer, wire cutter, and glue.
A business owner can outsource some or most of his jewellery designs to be crafted by someone else.
Oberlo, Modalyst, Printful, print-on-demand app make jewellery pieces on order based on the original design.
Equipment and tools
There are many online websites that provide supreme quality jewellery making tools and findings for those interested in crafting masterpieces.
- Alibaba and AliExpress
- Beads.Us
- Gem select
- Stuller.com
- riogrande.com
- jewelrysupply.com
- ottofrei.com
Learning Resources
Learning a skill is a continuous process. It opens doors to new horizons and opportunities. There are many educational resources like classes or online tutorials to get you familiar with methods of jewellery making process.
- Pearl Academy
- American School of Jewellery
- Jeweller Academy
- Beaducation
- At the bench
Workforce and Workspace
Hire credible artisans to make your work easy. The hiring of the part-time intern will be an economical solution for a business just getting started. Divide the work between interns, staff, and yourself.
Renting a commercial space for a low investment start-up is a big no-no. Make a room for business work in your home initially or space sharing would do.
Product Photography
For online selling websites, compelling photos of jewellery pieces will determine the fate of the product by a wide margin. Investment in product photography will pay you later with interest.
E-commerce store
Many user buy products online. Make an e-commerce website and store of your business on Shopify, Amazon, eBay, and other shopping platforms.
Final Words
Starting a jewellery business of your dreams will surely get rewards if your craft is distinctive from the rest. Though this business has its complications it is worth it in the end.