We have three full months of winter to go yet and you are going to try to go to sleep while shivering? Come on, you are not going to last! We have gone snooping around the internet, seeking the best winter-proofing methods to make your home stronger, adaptable and warmer, while keeping it cost-effective. Homemade winter-proofing is something that many people will be exploring about this time of year, because many businesses will not be able to come around to your house anymore. The lockdown is persisting so you are kind of on your own when it comes to home improvement. But wait, we have your back instead!
Draught Strips
It is so simple, yet so effective! Replacing your curtains for something heavier or thicker need not be your go-to solution. Draught strips will plug any gap in the window frame and allow your home to become more airtight. Draught strips are made out of a sticky silicone or sometimes with a sticky glue and rubber. This allows them to be placed outside of the window as well as inside it. Draught strips can also be cut at home, so you can find a way to cover any gap no matter how small or long and thin it might be.
Barbour Slippers
Hey, do not put all the blame on your home! Sometimes, there is nothing you can do, your home will just be cold. During the very chili wintery nights, your home’s flooring can go beneath freezing which is common for hardwood or vinyl. So, why not just wear slippers, which have been proven to keep your feet warm on a frosty morning? Barbour is a British brand that is world-famous for their quilted jackets but they also make slippers. Lambswool tartan slippers or quilted olive green slippers are just the trick. Made from excellent material, their slippers are so comfy and warm!
Power To Burn
It is not uncommon for power lines to go down during a winter storm. Even heavy snowfall can bring down massively complex power lines and pylons. This is why you need to pick from the best propane companies who make residential tanks. The propane tanks can be stored in your basement, no matter how cold it is. You can have the larger tanks fitted outside, away from the house for further safety. Then you have power to burn all year round.
You can order your propane to be delivered by companies such as Kelly Propane and Fuel, LLC before any bad weather so you’re prepared ahead of time. If you have a gas burner you can always make food. You can also keep your house warm with a gas heater. So, no matter how cold it is you always have an option to eat and sleep in a nice hot house.
Stuffing The Window
If you just need a quick solution that has been proven to work time and time again, just put some towels in the window sills! It is so funny how many people do this and they do not ever share this tip. But yet, putting some towels in the window sills, allows the heat in your home to be pushed back in and the cold pushed out.
Winter is the type of season to laugh as you shiver underneath the covers. It takes no prisoners, it does not care about your circumstances. So, be prepared and do not think it is too late!