You might now be able to manage social media yourself with efficiency, because there are some important tasks you might forget, such as posting on time, following people, unfollowing those who are not following back, as well as scheduling regular posting, however with the help of social media tools you can easily manage your social networks.
It is true that people are using LinkedIn more and more and it is proven that many visits to the web can be achieved by sharing on this social network.
How to get followers? In this case, it is not easy to gain followers, especially if your company is not well-known. You need to use LinkedIn planning management tool to get efficiency in your posting time and to get more followers.
First, you must have a bio with an excellent description and an attractive profile photo.
From there, to gain visibility, you have two options:
- Publish content in groups on the company’s subject, use other social networks as a bridge or interact with other users.
- Once you have that visibility, to gain followers, the most important thing is that the content you share is of good quality.
If it is good and you like it, the recommendations and followers will come. You could even make your own group if you see that your growth is going well and your content is interesting.
It is the most important social network in terms of news and information. Therefore, your company must have this network.
There will always be news to share from the sector that corresponds to your company. Using different tools, interacting with your followers, and sharing content from other accounts is the key.
How to gain followers? In this case, the question would be how to gain quality followers?
On Twitter, you can buy followers or follow strategies to increase followers’ number through hashtags such as #follow4follow or #Siguemeytesigo.
What is the use of having followers if they are not interested in your content and are not going to interact? Therefore, it is preferable to have fewer followers, but higher quality.
To do this, you could search for the target audience in the competition’s followers or by searching for words or hashtags in the Twitter search engine.
After doing the first search, you will save all these accounts in a document. From there, it is recommend following 5-10 people per day. Every week or every two weeks, you could unfollow followers who have not followed you.
How do you do this? Manageflitter is an application that works very well and where you can do up to 100 unfollows per day with the free version.
Besides, to gain followers, you could use hashtags of your topic and interact with your followers. Thank them when they share an article of yours!
Facebook is one of the most challenging social networks for a company, although, this difficulty is related to the company’s algorithm. If we are a sports club, for example, it will be easy to upload content: photos or videos of matches and training sessions, reports, press releases, etc. Professional sports teams are increasingly turning to software platforms like to keep their fans engaged.
Facebook is a network that is continuously growing.
To succeed in this network, you must have content planning, establish several weekly publications, and give content each day.
One day it may be a video, another a survey, and another a photo. You can also run contests to encourage interaction or special publications on specific days such as New Years’ or Mother’s Day.
It creates a strategy based on what can attract your business’s attention. The purpose of this would be to test, especially at the beginning, and see what works the most to keep those ideas going.
How to gain followers? You first create Facebook campaigns.
Of course, you must have good content to share. Quality is always better than quantity. So once you have created your quality content, you can reach you target audience.
Depending on your budget, you can reach more or fewer areas and a more or less specific audience within that area. That depends on the filters that each person puts.
Another way to gain visibility would be to join groups that could be your target audience and publish your content there.
Of course, this can only be done from a profile and not from a company page.
Ideal publication frequency: 3 or 4 times a week. This is usual. If you are a big brand with a lot of daily content, you might want to pick up the pace.
You always have to be careful not to abuse or people may get tired.
Percentage of own published content: 90%. Most of the published content is recommended to be yours.
Content generated by you: videos, photos, articles, etc. There may be an article that talks about you or something exciting that is not yours — that is definitely sharable!
The fastest growing social network in 2021. Videos and photos, and now albums and stories. Nothing more needs to be said. If you believe that you are going to have content to publish, it is a social network that you would have without hesitation. Read about change margins in google docs.
If you have a good amount of target audience amongst your followers, it will not be difficult to gain interaction.
If people like your publication, it will only take two taps on their mobile screen. Easy and fast — what people like on a social network. Instagram is a very good network to create branding.
Being creative and combining photos and videos, you will have a very high growth curve.
Also, now with Stories, you can humanize the brand even more.
You upload to Instagram things you work on more, but in terms of Stories, they are usually photos, videos, or Boomerangs of your day-to-day, where your followers can discover more about you.
With the direct option, you can go further with the broadcast of live events.
A growing social network and increasingly useful for its users.
How to gain followers? Using hashtags and getting into those same hashtags to give likes and even comment, interacting with your target audience. Also, in the same way as on Twitter, you can follow 5-10 people per day.
Ideal publication frequency: 4 or 5 times a week. If you have Instagram, it is because you will be active. In the beginning, you can collect several photos and videos, which you will use in those moments that you have less content during the week. You should always have an Ace up your sleeve in case you fall short.
Percentage of own published content: 90%. On Instagram, the content you upload will be yours, content that you have created. You will never say 100% in terms of your content, since you never know if you may be interested in publishing third-party content. An excellent way to do this would be with applications like RepostApp.
You must decided upon the strategy that we want to follow on YouTube first.
Do you want to upload the videos you make for Facebook and Instagram? Or do you want to follow a different strategy?
Of course, everything you upload to YouTube would be good to move on to Social Networks.
Either entirely or part of the content, as a trailer to attract visits to YouTube.
It is challenging to create a YouTube channel, since you must-have content and be creative and innovative to publish videos frequently.
This is a point that should be raised before launching the channel and creating a first content strategy.
How to gain subscribers? As previously mentioned, one possibility would be creating small trailers for Social Networks to attract the public to your channel.
You can also during or especially at the end of the video, say that if you liked the content, subscribe to your channel.
Another option would be doing advertising campaigns on YouTube.
And finally, something very useful is to comment on popular videos of the same theme as the video we want to give visibility to. You could comment on the video itself or by simply commenting on the video.
Ideal publication frequency: 4 videos per month.
We should have a regularity in case of opening a channel. If your goal is to gain subscribers, you must provide them with content. Of course, it is always preferable not to publish anything if you do not have good content.
If you want to strengthen your subscribers and continue to increase the number of them, your videos have to be up to the task.
Percentage of own published content: 100%. It is recommended that all content is yours. Created, recorded, and edited by you (or by a third party that you hire).
You must always have a plan no matter what social media network you choose. Social Media is a way to generate traffic to your website and gain visibility so that people get to know you.
For this, it is essential to create a strategy by choosing specific social networks for your company, and that these are led by someone who knows the steps to follow to achieve the goal/s.

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