Why You Should Spend More Time Outside This Spring

April 17, 2021

You might not be aware of it, but the activity of playing outdoor games is actually very healthy. Playing outdoor games can help you burn a lot of calories, improve your mood, as well as boost your overall well-being. You do not need to go and train in a fancy gym to get these benefits. All you need is a good place where there are a lot of people, a ball, and you have all the time in the world to play!

Benefits Of Spending More Time Outside 

A lot of people spend time indoors most of the time. They work all day in front of the computer. There are even people who spend all their free time inside because they find it difficult to go outdoors and enjoy nature. They were not able to enjoy nature during summer and spring because of work.

On the other hand, if you spend time outdoors during the winter and spring, you will feel that you are far healthier and live longer than those who stay indoors working all the time. It is also true that you will have more energy and fresh air to breathe. If you are doing something that involves running, jumping, or climbing, you will find yourself breathing much easier and clearing your lungs of all the dust and dirt from the streets. You will also get to experience the wonderful sights of nature. Nature offers all kinds of colors, sounds, and scents that can refresh your mind and body.  Natural sunlight will improve your mood and may even alleviate headaches or other maladies.  And don’t forget, spending time outside will allow you to turn down your thermostat, and turn off your lights, saving you money on your PECO utility bills.

The second reason being outside is important is because it helps in reducing the stress that you experience in your everyday life. Many of us spend most of our time indoors during the week because of work or school. Those who spend their time outdoors in the woods, mountains, or beaches have reported that they are much happier than others who stayed inside. They said that they felt less stressed and did not seem as depressed as they normally would have. They also reported feeling more alive because they could see the beauty of nature without having to go inside and get depressed.

Thirdly, when you exercise outdoors, your body receives the benefit of getting lots of fresh air and oxygen. Your heart and lungs receive a great workout as well, which provides you with the motivation and energy to accomplish the goals you have set for the day. This is just one of the many benefits that people have received from spending time outdoors on a regular basis.

Fourth, spending time outdoors, especially when it is surrounded by nature, can actually improve the immune system. Outdoor living has been proven to lower your body’s exposure to various infections and diseases. In fact, some medical professionals believe that being outdoors improves the resistance of the body against sickness, which may actually explain why people who spend time outdoors are less likely to become ill. Finally, when you exercise outdoors, you increase your body’s ability to fight off stress, which has a positive effect on overall well-being. All of these positive effects on your health are great reasons to take the time to go outside and enjoy the great outdoors!

Finally, studies have shown that outdoor nature viewing has a tremendous positive impact on brain development in children. A study published in the Journal of Environmental Psychology found that kids who spent more time outdoors had higher IQs than their indoor counterparts. Other studies have proven the positive impact that nature has on the moods and health of humans, and this is just one more reason to take the time to head outside and enjoy the beautiful scenery!

 Spring Outdoor Activities 

The above-mentioned studies are just a few of the many health benefits that come from spending time outdoors. The most exciting benefit is probably the one that most people can relate to, and that is the improvement in the physical health of the individual. Exercise outdoors on a regular basis can help reduce stress, increase energy and stamina, improve mental health, and reduce back pain, just to name a few. There are numerous other exciting health benefits from taking a brisk walk in the woods or going off on a nature trail.

 Sun Safety Tips 

With the rising number of cases related to skin cancer, especially melanoma, people are now more aware of sun safety. People need to understand the fact that exposure to the sun can be hazardous. People who are used to working outdoors are not aware of the hazards of sunburns, wrinkles, skin cancer, and other such skin diseases. Sunscreens are available in different forms such as lotions, soaps, sprays, and other products. These sunscreens are made from sun-block agents that prevent UV rays or ultraviolet radiations from damaging your skin. However, many people are still unaware of the effects of the sun on their skin.

One of the best sun safety tips is that people need to wear protective clothing such as sunscreen lotion, hats, and sunglasses. When choosing these sun protection tips, one has to choose the product that is suitable for his/her skin. There are many websites online that provide the most popular tips, information, and products related to sun safety.

 Bottom Line 

Take advantage of the warmer weather by spending more time outside.  The benefits are enormous, but dont forget to protect your skin from sun damage.

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Andi Perullo de Ledesma

I am Andi Perullo de Ledesma, a Chinese Medicine Doctor and Travel Photojournalist in Charlotte, NC. I am also wife to Lucas and mother to Joaquín. Follow us as we explore life and the world one beautiful adventure at a time.

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