Balsamic acetum brings that specific yet piquant taste to our dishes which has made this seasoning almost a staple on many tables. We add it to salads and other foods, nevertheless, the information recently appeared that this product might not be that safe and all-healthy as we used to think of it.
Is that really so?
Let’s figure it out.
Beneficial Features Of The Product
First of all, it must be admitted that all the positive traits of the product can only be taken into account if we are talking about the true balsamic acetum. It is only the original product that can be that long-lasting and possess the distinctive tart and complex flavor.
The original acetum undergoes a long and complicated process before turning into what we usually see on our tables.
To produce balsamic acetum, white grapes must be picked and then fermented naturally which takes several weeks at least.
The next stage of processing is the incorporation of bacteria. Those provide even more fermentation after which the acetum is placed in wooden barrels and aged for twelve years!
As it comes from the process description, true balsamic acetum only contains grapes as the main ingredient. No additives or artificial ingredients can be present. That is why all the original products must have a special stamp (D.O.P.) that proves the content of the bottle is true vinegar.
Also, such an extended aging process means that a real balsamic acetum will cost quite a lot. That is why commercial producers often imitate the original product by making different variations of it. However, that fake acetum is far from the original one since it is produced from either wine or cider acetum and contains sweeteners and colorings to achieve that specific aroma and savor.
So what positive impact does true balsamic acetum have on our wellbeing?
1. Skin
Since this product contains acetic acid and antioxidants, balsamic acetum can significantly improve the person’s complexion after a while.
2. Blood sugar regulator
When added to dishes, acetum keeps our blood sugar under control each time we eat.
3. Good for healthy digestion
The acetic acid contains probiotics that improve the digestion process and contribute to better gut wellbeing improving the general immunity of our bodies.
4. Good for losing weight
Are you looking for something to help you to get weight under control? Then why not incorporate some balsamic acetum into your diet? Its probiotics make us feel full longer after we eat which means that the feeling of hunger will reduce significantly preventing you from eating more than needed.
5. Wounds healer
This sort of acetum has been used for treating wounds being known for its antifungal and antimicrobial properties.
6. Anti-hypertension remedy
Certain studies claim that acetum lowers hypertension, especially when being a replacement for fatty foodstuffs.
7. Congestion remedy
People say that this sort of acetum is a great help when treating congestion. Just add several drops of it to the steaming water and inhale.
8. Heartburn help
They say that acetum helps to reduce those states but, since it might not work the same well for everyone, we suggest you try it in a small amount and wait for a while to see how it will influence the symptoms.
9. Blood circulation promotion
Since acetum is produced from grapes and those are good as protection from heart disease, they say it is good for making blood circulation better.
But no matter what beneficial traits this foodstuff has, remember that it must always be consumed in very little amounts since excessive consumption may lead to various unpleasant results, for instance, upset stomach (if you consumed too much of it), throat inflammation, or food pipe damages if drinking it (never do that!).
Points Of Concern to Keep In Mind
Despite the obvious beneficial characteristics, scientists warn that acetum may also be harmful.
Fortunately, only two health concerns exist about this product, but it would be useful to be aware of them.
1. Teeth damage
Since acetum contains acid, it tends to erode the teeth enamel when being consumed regularly or in excessive amounts. It is especially problematic if you use it in the pure state sprinkling directly on salads or other foods since in this case, the impact of acid is very strong.
If the acetum is mixed with oils or it comes as an ingredient in dressings, the influence of the acid is significantly reduced.
To bring the risks down, try to rinse your mouth with water after you eat and wait for about an hour before brushing teeth if you ate something that contained acetum.
2. Lead threat
It was recently revealed that ⅔ of all balsamic acetum sold in California had more lead than allowed by the law.
And since it might not be that dangerous for adults because you’d have to consume one or two cups of acetum daily to have health issues caused by lead, for children, even one spoonful of this acetum with the excessive lead content can be harmful.
And one more note to remember is that balsamic acetum has more calories than other kinds of this product. One spoonful of cider acetum contains 3 calories only whereas balsamic one has fourteen!
Consider this, especially if you like adding it to the dishes often.