Benefits of gardening

September 2, 2021


1.Benefits Of Gardening  

Even if you are older, there are still plenty of benefits to be found in gardening. As we get older, it is important to do things we enjoy to stay active and fit, but it can also be difficult to do things we used to enjoy but are not so eager to do anymore. Gardening is one way to stay active while simultaneously enjoying what you are doing. Here are some benefits of gardening you might not have realized:

Concerning the environment, researchers have found that gardening helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions as well as improves air quality. This is because while producing food, plants pass carbon dioxide and other gases out into the air where they are taken out of your garden and used by other plants. Researchers estimate that if every person produced the same amount of carbon dioxide, we would double our earth’s atmospheric temperature. Gardening is a great way to decrease your carbon footprint.

Many researchers have found that gardening has a direct monetary benefit. While there are many ways to make money, few offer as many opportunities for self-sustaining fun as gardening. As you grow crops and flowers, you gain experience and knowledge which allows you to apply it later to other projects, or even make money on your crops and flowers by selling them. Some cities in Georgia have free public gardens, which means you can practice your gardening skills for free in a controlled environment. As mentioned before gardening and houseplants can help to improve air quality as well as increase humidity, which can be beneficial for your allergies as well as your Georgia Natural Gas bill. As mentioned above gardening and houseplants can improve air quality as well as increasing humidity, both are beneficial for your allergies and lowering your natural gas costs. When plants increase the humidity it helps to cool your home, so the cooling is not solely relying on the AC. Your home’s HVAC system accounts for the majority of energy usage and cost so finding ways to help your AC more efficient can help to save on your natural gas costs. Another way to save energy by gardening is to plant shady trees around the perimeter of your home.

Many new diseases and viruses have been found to be more of a problem in gardens that have a variety of types of plants and herbs. For instance, around the turn of the 20th century, there was a widespread outbreak of botulism in the US. The virus went around mostly through food chain animals, but the result was the same: people died and so did much of the food supply. It was clear that something had to be done to improve the quality of the food supply and to protect the American public from this sort of thing. Since then, various organizations have worked to develop botanical medicines to prevent these types of things from ever happening again.

One reason that many people say they like gardening is because they spend time on it. Gardening is a great form of exercise, whether you are planting flowers or doing things like raking leaves or shoveling snow. When you’re done with your gardening, you can usually find yourself with a little more time than you think you have, because you spent time enjoying the process and enjoying the beauty of your gardens.


 2. Gardening tips    


Gardening tips are everywhere. I have collected quite a few of my favorite gardening tips over the years. Here are a few of my favorites:

Follow the sunlight. Most edible plants, such as most vegetables, fruits, and herbs, require at least 6 full sun hours each day to grow well. It’s important to be sure to plant your garden where it gets the most sunlight. One of the easiest gardening tips that you can receive is to plant your new garden close to a reliable water source. This will help your plants stay healthy during droughts and will save you watering yourself.

Know your area: every climate is different and certain plants thrive more in some cities than others. So before buying seeds you should research your area and what that specific plant needs to survive and thrive. Do you live in Georgia – then you should research the climate, the amount of sun, the type of Georgia wildlife it attracts.

Another one of my gardening tips for beginners is to keep your planting area clean. I don’t mean just mopping the area, but making sure you’re planting beds and planters off from the areas around them. This will help keep pests like fleas and ants from eating your valuable seeds. You can also use natural repellents, like neem oil, tea tree oil, or lemon grass, to keep pests away.

One final gardening tip is about the amount of water and fertilizer you use in your garden. Some gardeners believe that if you over-water a plant, it will grow much more rapidly than if you under-water it. I do agree that watering a garden is crucial for short-term growth, but there is no need to water it daily or for long periods of time. In fact, contrary to popular belief, you should never drown a plant with water. This will cause the plant to dry out and possibly die.

Every type of vegetable and fruit grows differently. Each plant has a different hardiness zone, which means it will only grow well in certain climates. If you’re not sure what your hardiness zone is, visit your local library and search for information on your particular plant and the surrounding climate. Then you can start planting with your favorite plants in the correct areas and climates.    


 3. How To Know What To Garden And Where to Start  

There are many different ways in which one can go about the process of learning how to know what to garden. You should however make sure that you know exactly what plants and shrubs you want to grow and which ones you want to avoid. Some people prefer certain species over others, some prefer container plants and some prefer ground cover plants. If you are uncertain about the subject, then do not be afraid to ask for advice or guidance from a local Georgia garden centre, extension officer, or someone who is knowledgeable in the field. The most important thing is that once you know exactly what to garden then you can get on with the important business of growing your very own vegetables and herbs.

Your garden will consist mainly of one type of shrub or plant and this should be obvious to you at the very start. However, if you are still not sure you should ask your local garden centre. They should be able to help you categorize your interests and then suggest the best plants for you to grow based upon your responses. Different types of shrubs and plants need different amounts of sunlight, nutrients and water. It is therefore important that you learn all you can about what you want your garden to be like before you start.

When you have decided on the type of plants you want to grow you should also have a good idea of how much space you have available for growing them. If you live in a small apartment or house then you may not have that much room to grow anything big. On the other hand, if you live in a large, spacious house or apartment then you have a lot more space to grow whatever it is you want to grow. Learning how to know what to garden means knowing exactly how much room you have to grow whatever it is you want to grow.

Shrubs are wonderful because they require little maintenance but they are often vibrant. You can grow these plants in a variety of places so you can decorate your house with different types of flowers. You can even have a variety of bushes planted in various locations, as these are also effortless to maintain. The best thing to do is make sure you choose plants that don’t grow too fast because if they do then you will have to replant them a few times during the year.

How to know what to garden is pretty much about taking the time to think about what you want to grow and how you can grow it. This is also why it is important to research what plants will do well in your area and climate. If you live in a small area where it snows then you might want to avoid growing things like roses that are going to be damaged by the wet weather. If you live somewhere else where it doesn’t snow then you will obviously want to grow those plants that can handle warmer temperatures. If you know what to garden the first time around you won’t have any problems and you can get just as much done in the time you have.

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Andi Perullo de Ledesma

I am Andi Perullo de Ledesma, a Chinese Medicine Doctor and Travel Photojournalist in Charlotte, NC. I am also wife to Lucas and mother to Joaquín. Follow us as we explore life and the world one beautiful adventure at a time.

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2 thoughts on “Benefits of gardening

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