It is well established market rule that only quality products succeed in maintaining their existence in the market. This rules runs across all the types of industries; be it small or large.
The same philosophy applies to tea industry too.
History bears witness to the fact that numerous alternatives have been offered in the market to substitute the tea but none has succeeded enough to replace even a decimal part of the tea consumers. Although coffee and soft drinks have made their sway in the market yet, tea has a distinctive recognition in context of the global business. This is the reason that tea has managed to be the second most loved drink across the globe with water being the first.
Tea undergoes a long journey before reaching the sips of its consumers. From harvesting to processing and packing, it involves numerous operations. Thus, it becomes a tasking job to maintain the quality and uniformity of a brand of tea. This ever-important task lies on shoulders of the trained professionals who are known in the tea industry as professional tea tasters.
Let us examine the unique and irreplaceable importance of professional tea tasters in maintaining the superiority of tea in the global market of drinks and beverages.
Only Professional Tea Tasters Can Identify Rare and Unique Teas
Remembering a particular taste is all that is required to maintain the uniformity of blend. However, it is not as easy as it appears. Considering the fact that there are numerous factors that influence the final taste of a tea combination; it becomes even more complex to identify a particular standardized taste of a brand. The season of the harvest, rainfall, crop altitude, moisture content and the processing operations have a direct impact on the taste of a tea sample. In such a complex situation, tea tasters use their extraordinary tasting powers to identify a particular taste among the wide range of differently proportioned tea combinations. In this way, tea tasters help maintaining the consistency and uniformity of a tea combination and ultimately treating the taste buds of the customers with the same unique taste.
A Professional Tea Taster is Indispensable For Creating a New Blend
A new tea brand can only occupy the space in market if it has enough potential to meet the desires of the customers. Moreover, the success of a new product can only be ensured by proper standardization. This is usually done by passing it through numerous trials under the supervision of experts. In context of tea, it is done under the supervision of professional tea tasters because nobody can understand the requirements of the customers other than the professional tea tasters. Moreover, they are also well aware of the expectations of a consumer from a cup of tea. Therefore, the judgment of a professional tea taster holds the status of a go ahead certificate for a new tea product.
Therefore, it will not be wrong to say that the tea industry owes a lot to professional tea tasters for its unmatched success in the global market.