8 Things To Consider Before Getting A Nose Piercing

September 5, 2023

A nose piercing can be a captivating addition to one’s aesthetic, reflecting a sense of individuality and personal flair. These piercings have historical and cultural significance across various civilizations, making them as intriguing as they are stylish. However, venturing into the realm of nose piercings isn’t a decision to take lightly. With multiple piercing styles and the risks associated with improper aftercare, it’s essential to be well-informed before making your decision.

Why Choose a Nose Piercing?

The history of nose piercings connects us to earlier customs, personal narratives, and fashion fads. In numerous cultures, they have connoted events such as getting married, reaching adulthood, or other significant life milestones. Nowadays, people frequently get their noses pierced because they think it looks stylish or gives their appearance a unique touch. Everyone can choose jewelry that suits them because there are so many different varieties available. Some people use it as a means to recall significant events or life transitions. Even legends from a long time ago claim that nose piercings have therapeutic benefits. Whatever the reason, nose piercings have transcended time, symbolizing individual journeys and stories and making them a cherished choice for many.

Things To Consider Before Getting A Nose Piercing

Whatever your reasons for getting a nose piercing, there are a few things you should consider before you get one. Here’s what they are.

1. Types of Nose Piercings

The world of nose piercings offers an array of styles, each with its unique appeal and considerations. The most widely recognized type is the nostril piercing, typically positioned on one side of the nostril, providing a canvas for a delicate stud or hoop.

Meanwhile, the septum piercing, passing through the cartilage that divides the nostrils, is known for its bold and edgy look. Those who explore websites dedicated to nose piercings often find inspiration and a variety of rings specially curated for this piercing style. For those looking for a less conventional choice, the bridge piercing pierces the upper bridge of the nose, and the high nostril piercing sits higher up, nestled between the cartilage and the bridge.

2. Pain Level and Healing Time

Like all piercings, nose piercings come with their share of discomfort, often described as a brief, sharp sensation, followed by a dull, throbbing ache. Most report the pain of a nostril piercing to be akin to that of piercing earlobes, while septum and bridge piercings, due to their locations, can be slightly more intense. It’s not unusual for eyes to tear up momentarily, given the close nerve connections.

The healing phase is pivotal and varies with the piercing type. Generally, nostril piercings take 2 to 3 months, septum piercings heal in 6 to 8 weeks, bridge piercings require 3 to 6 months, and High Nostril piercings need about 3 to 4 months. Throughout this period, meticulous aftercare is imperative to stave off potential complications.

3. Jewelry Materials and Piercer’s Expertise

When it comes to initial piercings, certain materials are ideal to minimize adverse reactions. Nickel-free metals, such as titanium, 14k gold, or niobium, are recommended. Notably, sterling silver and unidentified metals should be avoided, as they can cause irritation or even infections. After the piercing has fully healed, individuals can consider broadening their jewelry material choices.

Equally crucial is choosing an expert piercer. The expertise of the piercer can make the difference between a seamless piercing experience and one riddled with complications. Ensure that your chosen professional operates in a sterile environment, uses the latest techniques, and has a rich portfolio showcasing their work.

4. Cost and Maintenance

The initial cost of a nose piercing can vary greatly depending on the location, the reputation of the piercing studio, and the type of jewelry chosen. Typically, professional studios charge anywhere from $30 to $100 for the procedure, with jewelry being an additional cost. It’s essential to invest in quality jewelry, especially for the initial piercing, to avoid complications.

Maintenance doesn’t end after the healing process. Regular cleaning to prevent build-up, occasional jewelry changes, and being mindful of potential tugs and pulls are part of the ongoing care routine. While the initial aftercare products might be a part of the piercing package or may incur additional costs, remember that this is a long-term commitment, and investing in quality care products is crucial.

5. Aftercare and Lifestyle Considerations

Upon getting a nose piercing, commitment to its aftercare becomes paramount. Typically, experts advise cleaning the pierced area with a saline solution twice daily, refraining from touching it unnecessarily, and ensuring no harsh substances, like soaps, come into contact with it.

Lifestyle adaptations might also be in order: avoid swimming or immersing the piercing in water, be gentle when clearing nasal passages, and ensure eyewear doesn’t press on the piercing. These steps, though temporary, play a pivotal role in the healing process.

6. Appearance, Workplace Rules, and Potential Risks

Before committing to a piercing, envisioning how it aligns with one’s desired aesthetic is important. The choice of jewelry, its size, and its design can influence the piercing’s overall appeal. In cases like the septum piercing, the ability to hide it, if needed, can be a bonus. Moreover, review any workplace or institutional policies regarding facial piercings to avoid potential conflicts.

As with any body modification, risks accompany nose piercings. These might range from infections, typically stemming from inadequate aftercare, to allergic reactions due to unsuitable jewelry materials. There’s also the potential for piercing rejection, where the body attempts to “push out” the piercing or the development of unsightly bumps resulting from trauma or scarring.

7. Alternative Nose Piercing Styles

Beyond the mainstream nostril, septum, and bridge piercings, there’s a world of unique and edgy nose piercing styles awaiting exploration. The “Rhino” piercing, for instance, enters through the tip of the nose and exits through the septum, accommodating a curved barbell. There’s also the “Austin Bar,” a rare horizontal piercing through the tip of the nose.

For those looking to make a statement, combinations of multiple piercings or incorporating unique jewelry designs can set you apart from the crowd. Always consult with a professional to understand what’s feasible for your anatomy.

8. Myths and Misconceptions

There are numerous myths surrounding nose piercings. One common misconception is that nose piercings are irreversible. In truth, most nose piercings will close up if left without jewelry for an extended period, especially shortly after the initial piercing. Another myth is that piercings are incredibly painful, and healing times are prolonged.

While pain is subjective, with proper care, most nose piercings heal efficiently. It’s crucial to differentiate between hearsay and factual information. Ensure you’re consulting with professionals or reputable sources when considering a piercing.


Nose piercings, while undeniably stylish, warrant a thorough understanding and appreciation of the journey ahead. From selecting the type and ensuring a pain-free experience to dedicating oneself to its aftercare, every step plays a role in the result. Provided you inform yourself well, a nose piercing can become an enduring testament to your style, resonating with elegance, tradition, and individuality. Embrace the journey and let your unique charm take center stage.


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Andi Perullo de Ledesma

I am Andi Perullo de Ledesma, a Chinese Medicine Doctor and Travel Photojournalist in Charlotte, NC. I am also wife to Lucas and mother to Joaquín. Follow us as we explore life and the world one beautiful adventure at a time.

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