Tag Archives: life

Three Exciting Jobs You Can Do With An MPH Degree

February 23, 2018
We would all like to be able to help other people and make a real and positive difference to the world just by going about our usual jobs and daily lives. Well, this seemingly unattainable goal is rapidly becoming a reality for many people. Of the many careers out there...

Ways To Use Coupons During Holiday Season

February 22, 2018
Holiday food, decorations, and gifts are always the top of the list for most people. However, its cost can quickly add up and take a big chunk of your budget. In fact, according to National Retail Federation, it is expected for an average consumer to spend over $800 this holiday...

Finding Recovery Through Spirituality

February 20, 2018
Recovering from addiction is tough, but there are many spiritual practices that are proven to aid people through rehabilitation. This is not a new concept. In fact, spirituality is a journey towards a better understanding of one’s inner self. In this way, it makes sense that spirituality is a tool...

The Simple Life: Why You Want It (And How To Get It)

February 17, 2018
Simplicity is vastly underrated. The world around us is magnificent in its detail; in its layers; in its complexity. Many of us live lives that involve constantly hopping from one task to the next, always juggling different elements, having to cope with the constant varying demands on our mind. Some...

CURRENTLY | 02.14.18

February 14, 2018
Watching | 2018 Winter Olympics  Not a lot of people know that I once trained to go to the Olympics in swimming. However, life took me on a different path. Having said that, no matter if it is the Summer or Winter Olympics, I am glued to the TV during...