Watching | 2018 Winter Olympics
Not a lot of people know that I once trained to go to the Olympics in swimming. However, life took me on a different path. Having said that, no matter if it is the Summer or Winter Olympics, I am glued to the TV during the entire Games. Of course, I love watching the athletes compete to win the coveted gold, but I also enjoy learning each of their story’s, which is undoubtably inspiring if they have made it this far.
Reading | Nothing
I do not have a single moment on any day to read. It truly blows my mind that there are mothers out there that read! #keepingitreal
Working On | Disney Posts
A week after we returned from Disney to celebrate Joaquín’s third Birthday, which was probably the greatest trip I have ever been on, my beloved grandmother passed away. On top of that, both my son and I came down with the flu. If that was not enough stress already, we decided to put our house on the market, so there has been zero time/energy between the grief, sickness, and moving to work on my Disney posts. I have started slowly working on them this week and hope to have them up soon. I promise they will be worth your patience!
Feeling | Overwhelmed
As mentioned above, I feel as though I am being hit from every corner in my life. I know this too shall pass and when I stare at Joaquín’s beautiful face everything feels right in the world again. I get frustrated when it comes to this blog, however, because I have a million ideas that are on hold indefinitely. On a positive note, we are traveling to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina next weekend and I hope to find some peace while we are there.
Planning | Our Move
I have a lot to say regarding our last minute decision to relocate. Once we are settled into our next house, which is still being decided upon, I will divulge everything behind our reason to move. I will definitely miss our first house, which provided us with a lifetime of memories. I am trying to look at this as an exciting adventure, but it was just two years ago that we went through the process of buying a home and it nearly did me in. One day at a time, right?
Loving | Three
Despite the epic tantrums and his favorite word being “no!”, I love love looove Joaquín being three. This age is such an adorable mix of him seeming so grown up, yet in many ways still acting like my little baby. I guess that is where the nickname threenager comes from?
My Favorite Photo | Feeling All The Love At Disney
What is currently going on with you? You can read my last Currently update here.

It is so nice to get an update from you and I love all the mystery behind the house. Sorry to hear about your grandmother and know you are close to your family. Can’t wait to hear more about your Disney trip.
Wishing you all the best getting settled into your new home and wishing you peace and relaxation on your trip ❤️
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