My Second Wedding (Part 1)

August 10, 2011

While my parents argued over where Lucas and I’s second wedding in the States would be, I decided to grab my husband and my grandparents and make our marriage legal in the local City Hall.  It was not the most romantic of places to wed your beloved, however we had already had the wedding of our dreams.  Thus, to us it was irrelevant where our second wedding would take place.  The only thing that was a must, was that my grandparents be our witnesses.  Unfortunately, they were not in good enough health to attend our first wedding in Buenos Aires, Argentina, so it was important that they be an essential part of our second wedding.

Since the decision to get married at City Hall was last minute, I did not think that I would be able to find someone to photograph the event.  Two days before, without any expectations, I decided to send out a tweet to see if anyone in the area would be interested.  Within minutes someone responded saying they knew someone who knew someone and within hours I had a date to meet the photographer, Emily Chidester, the next day to discuss the details.  I do not know why I continue to be amazed by the powers of social media, as it has made so many of my wildest dreams come true!

On the morning of our special day, Emily met me at Ambiance Salon, the only place in my city that I trust getting my hair done at.  Nell, the owner, is truly my hair angel and if you live in or are visiting Charlotte, North Carolina, then you simply must stop by for the best haircut/color of your life.

One of the benefits of having a second wedding is that you can actually have fun!  Do not get me wrong, I had fun during my first wedding, but I was also insanely stressed and nervous, as I wanted everything to be perfect.  Now I was able to completely enjoy and appreciate every single moment of the experience without a care or concern.  I wanted this carefree attitude to reflect in my hairstyle and ensemble as well.

I chose pink orchids for my hair, because pink is my favorite color and orchids are my grandmother’s favorite flower.  She wanted me to carry orchids during my first wedding so badly, alas that was not a possibility, though now it was!  I also went with an updo since I wore my hair down the first time around.

Emily Chidester Photography

The next photo displays the gorgeous necklace that my grandparents had specially made for me to match my engagement ring.  I wore it during my first wedding as a reminder that they were there in spirit.

My lovely bouquet was made by my Mother.  When I was a young girl I was obsessed with daisies.  So much so, that when I was fourteen, I sneaked away from my family during a trip to the Bahamas and got a tattoo of the flower on my ankle!  The roses were a nod to my first wedding and the orchids were the leftovers from the ones I used in my hair.

We decided to take some photos outside, which despite the intense heat turned out beautifully.  Of course, it was 105 degrees with 100% humidity — that is the South for you!

Then it was time to leave for City Hall (in our matching aviators).  I could not wait to marry this man, again.

I feel so blessed that Emily came into my life, not only because she is a phenomenal photographer, but also because I now have a new friend!  What is your favorite photo?  More photos post-ceremony to come. . .

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Andi Perullo de Ledesma

I am Andi Perullo de Ledesma, a Chinese Medicine Doctor and Travel Photojournalist in Charlotte, NC. I am also wife to Lucas and mother to Joaquín. Follow us as we explore life and the world one beautiful adventure at a time.

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86 thoughts on “My Second Wedding (Part 1)

  1. Patricia GW

    I felt the deep connection you have with your grandparents by reading this – you have so much respect for them, it really warmed my heart. Every detail in your second wedding seemed to have a meaning, and I’m so glad you got to enjoy it without the stress of your first one. Congratulations all over again, darling!

    1. Andi Perullo Post author

      Yes, my grandparents mean the world to me and it broke my heart that they couldn’t be at my 1st wedding. Saying goodbye to them before I left for Buenos Aires was one of the hardest things I’ve EVER had to do and then they gave me that necklace, ugh!!! Thank you SO much for your lovely words, they touch me deeply!

    1. Andi Perullo Post author

      THANK YOU darling!!! I’m really, really humbled by your loving words. I love that shot too, though I’m shocked that I’m not sweating in it haha! I’m also shocked that my makeup came out as well as it did, since I did it myself. 🙂

    1. Andi Perullo Post author

      Thank you oh so very much!!! Aren’t the orchids perfection? I wish that I could wear them in my hair EVERY day! Alas, they die so quickly. Let me know when you wear them in your hair!!!

  2. Kirk

    Two weddings glad that your grandparents were able to make it to this one. Your photos are great you even make city hall look good.

    1. Andi Perullo Post author

      No one could ever look more gorgeous than you did on your wedding day, just saying! 😉 But thank you from the bottom of my heart for you kind words. I’ll let Lucas know that he looked “ok.” Hahaha!!!

  3. MuiMui

    Just as beautiful the 2nd time around. It’s wonderful you were able to celebrate it with your loved ones. It doesn’t matter where or when, but that you have the chance to. Well done.

  4. Lauren Aloise

    Andi! Reading your blog is so fun, especially since I just had a similar experience, one wedding in Spain and another 2 weeks ago here in Massachusetts. I actually found my wedding earrings through your link to Tejani! Thanks for such great posts and beautiful pictures. Suerte con todo!

    1. Andi Perullo Post author

      I LOVE that you found your wedding earrings through my website! Send me a link of the ones that you bought. Do you have wedding posts? I would be delighted to take a look at them!!! A wedding in Spain must have been unreal! Muchisima gracias por tus palabras dulce, buena suerte con todo tambien!

  5. Miss K

    Those orchids are gorgeous, especially with your hair! Has your grandmother read the Nero Wolfe mystery series? He is a genius detective who is obsessed with orchids.

  6. Sarah Wu

    Such beautiful wedding photos. I think I’m having a 2nd wedding too in NY. It will be the traditional Chinese banquet and tea ceremony thing just for his family side. They not really into the idea of traveling. Congrts again you looked so lovely!

  7. Calisha Brown

    Hi, this is looking to be a good couple. I just love the hair and makeup. I am wishing you happy married life.

  8. Jennifer

    So gorgeous Andi! I love all the details like the orchids in your hair, you special necklace, your peony bouquet! This surely is a lovely second wedding! And most of all, you look so happy 🙂

  9. Ceri

    Oh, Andi, you look absolutely stunning. So angelic and full of beauty. And the pictures are incredible. What a lucky find. It must be fate.

    I do love that picture of you and Lucas with your foreheads together. You two make such a stunning couple. Methinks I need to find myself an Argentinian man too – Remind me, does Lucas have a brother? Hahahaha.

    How is Lucas adjusting to life in the States? You’ll have to write up a post about that. I’m sure there’s a bunch of funny little quirks that he’ll find strange.

    1. Andi Perullo Post author

      I don’t think I’ve ever been called angelic before wahoooo! I’m going to tell my parents and hubby that they should call me that from now on! 😉 Seriously, thank you so so so much for your thoughtful words and it was totally fate to discover Emily.

      YES, find an Argie!!! I will help you plan your wedding in BsAs! Lucas has TWO brothers actually…

      Lucas is the most adaptable person I’ve ever known. It’s like he’s lived here his entire life. You would never in a million years know that he gave up his entire life 3 weeks ago. I promise I’m trying my best to get him to write a post. One day I will wear him down!

  10. Alex

    I LOVE that you snuck away and got a tattoo when you were only 14! What a wild child! We’ve got to hear the story of the reaction behind that one….

    1. Andi Perullo Post author

      I was waiting for someone to ask about it haha!!! Oh was I in trouble in girl. I told my parents once we were on the plane, so that they couldn’t react, but as soon as we landed all hell broke loose! I will definitely do a post on it sometime. I ended up getting 3 more tattoos before I turned 18!!!

  11. Krista

    Oh Andi, this is wonderful. 🙂 I’m SO happy you got to share such precious moments with your grandparents who love you so dearly. You are beautiful and there’s so much love in these pictures. 🙂

  12. Tours Of The Vatican

    105 plus humidity? You *must* have a fabulous hairstylist, there’s no way my hair would last in that weather! I’d have been melting in a second, but you look gorgeous. 🙂


    1. Andi Perullo Post author

      She is insanely amazing!!! But trust me, I was melting. I was running inside to fix my hair and makeup every chance I had. We didn’t take THAT many photos though. Thanks a million!!!

  13. Margaret Black

    Just desired to say your photos are as astounding! Thanks a million and please get Emily to take more photos of you 2 together!!!

  14. Elizabeth

    What a beautiful way to celebrate your wedding with your family! I just got married “legally” in Thailand and am trying to plan a small wedding here as well as one back home with my family and it is all overwhelming! You are a inspiration and beautiful bride!

    1. Andi Perullo Post author

      Awww thank you SO much!!!!! How incredible you got married in Thailand. Do you have links to pics of your wedding? I would love to see them! A destination wedding or two weddings is ridiculously overwhelming, I feel your pain. XOXO

  15. Miriam

    Such beautiful pictures, and you look stunning! I got married the same way as you did, only it was on a beach in Thailand the first time and at the town hall the second. Celebrating this important day in a foreign country truly is amazing.

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