Why You Should Take A Trip To A City Before You Move There

June 29, 2016

Moving to a new city is exciting. It means a new job, new friends, and new adventures! However, starting a new life is also a big decision. It helps to take a trip to a new city before you move to make sure that you are making the right decision. Here are four reasons why you should go on a trial trip to your intended city:

You Can See The Cost Of Living


It is no secret that it costs more to live in California and along the East Coast than in the Midwest and less populated areas of the United States. The cost of living around the world also varies greatly from country to country, but the degree to which it does is hard to understand without actually visiting a new city and driving around. During your trip, notice the difference in the cost of gasoline and be sure to walk around a grocery store to get a feel for how much food costs.

Also look at different housing options during your trip to see what you can afford and how it compares to your current living situation. For instance, you cannot expect new homes in Carlsbad, California, to be as big as homes in Colorado or Missouri, because there simply is not the land available. You need to be ready for a lifestyle change when you move to a new city, whether this means less space or different kitchen and bathroom designs.

You Will Get A Feel For The Neighborhoods

You should never buy a home in a new city before researching the different neighborhoods. For example, if you’re considering a move to Los Angeles, be sure to thoroughly research the city’s diverse neighborhoods to avoid the worst parts of LA and find a location that aligns with your lifestyle and preferences. You do not want to buy a house in an area with high crime and not even know it until it is too late. When a house has a lower price tag than the average house in a city, there is probably a reason. During your trip, drive around the different neighborhoods to see where you think you would fit in.

It Is A Chance To Talk To Locals

During your trip, talk to locals about the city. You can usually find out more about a city this way than by searching for information on the internet, although online there are a lot of useful tips to help with the process. Ask about the different neighborhoods, the best things to do on the weekends, and where the best restaurants and shopping districts are. This will give you a feel for where you want to live when you move to the city.

You Can Experience Public Transportation 

If you are moving to a small city, you do not have to worry about public transportation too much, because you will probably be driving everywhere you go. However, if you are moving to a big city, public transportation will probably become a new norm for you, whether you use it to get to work or to go out and have fun. Some cities have better transportation than others; Washington, D.C., foremost among them.

A one-day trip is not long enough to truly experience a new city. One week should be the minimum. When you go, try to explore as if you are a local. There will be plenty of time to hit all the attractions if you decide to move there, as the main aim of this trip is to give you a feel for what it is like to live there on a day-to-day basis.

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Andi Perullo de Ledesma

I am Andi Perullo de Ledesma, a Chinese Medicine Doctor and Travel Photojournalist in Charlotte, NC. I am also wife to Lucas and mother to Joaquín. Follow us as we explore life and the world one beautiful adventure at a time.

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2 thoughts on “Why You Should Take A Trip To A City Before You Move There

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