Many of us make resolutions, because we want to look a certain way or believe there is a particular way we should be living which we are currently falling short on. However for 2023, why not approach them in a completely different way? Superficial resolutions are never going to stick. Instead, set goals to invest in yourself! To make you a happier and healthier person, and to achieve the goals you keep putting off. Here are just a few ideas of ways you can invest your time and money next year in yourself:
Many of us suffer from insecurities. This is always something worth working on, since when you are insecure, you are preoccupied with how you look. You can never just have fun or enjoy the moment since you are concerned about the insecurity. If it is especially bad, it may cause you to become withdrawn or stop pursuing the things that you love. Learning to love and accept ourselves is brilliant in theory, but often these are things that we have coped with and hated for many years and probably are not things we are going to wake up one day with and feel at peace with. If this sounds like you, you could consider having a procedure done. If you do not like your teeth, it could be in the form of cosmetic dentistry. Sites like match you to local dentists by you, so finding the right treatment is easy. If the shape or size of your nose has always bothered you, consider a rhinoplasty operation. Nonsurgical rhinoplasty in Beverly Hills provides you with painless and injection-free surgery to reshape your nose. Maybe you have begun to age and feel down about wrinkles or eye bags. There is still stigma around cosmetic surgery, but it is nothing to feel bad about. If a small operation can quite literally change your life and improve how you feel about yourself, then there is nothing wrong with that. Providing you are not taking things too far or going about it in a healthy way, dealing with your insecurity by investing money in surgery is money well spent.
Health is something we should never take for granted. A new year is a great chance to reflect on health and fitness goals and work out where we want to be and what we need to do to get there. Maybe you want to start working out more or eating more fruit and vegetables. Perhaps you want to aim to get more sleep in 2017; you could do this by working out a new bedtime and shuffling around your schedule to account for this. Maybe you just want to cut out or reduce something you have been consuming too much of lately, whether it be nicotine, caffeine, refined sugar, or carbonated drinks. Either way, money and effort spent on your health is never a waste. You could spend a little more money buying organic produce or put some time aside to write up a meal plan each week. If you know that you make bad choices due to lack of time or energy during the week, you could consider setting a few hours aside at the weekend to meal prep. You could take a walk around a health food shop and pick out some supplements that are relevant to you; you could get into the habit of drinking daily probiotic drinks. Whatever it is that will improve your health personally, just go for it!
You might have left formal education many years ago, but that does not mean to say you should stop learning. Keep your mind active and go on a quest for knowledge. Discover a topic, which interests you and do all you can to learn more about it. It could be through an online college or university or a local evening class. If you are into business, an MBA may be a great help enhancing and developing your knowledge and potentials that you may need in this field. If you aim for a tech-related job, completing short courses in programming and software development can open career opportunities for you in the tech industry.
Leading on from education, another great thing to invest in is your skills. Maybe there are things you wanted to learn when you were younger, but for some reason never did. It could be anything from swimming to driving, but if it is something you want to achieve, then this is a good thing to aim for. It will boost your confidence and can have a positive effect on your life in many ways. For example, if you are currently wasting hours of your life waiting for unreliable public transport, having a car could make getting around much more efficient. You will be able to go places and do things that are right now out of reach. If you would like to take your children swimming or just enjoy yourself at the pool when you go on vacation, learning to swim could make that possible. While these are specific examples, I am sure if you have a think about it you will be able to come up with a few things that are relevant to you.
Do you have fears and phobias that negatively affect your life? It can be upsetting and stressful when you are fearful and worried about things that others have no issue with. Maybe you are terrified of spiders, are scared of the ocean, or have a phobia of the doctor or dentist. Whatever it is, make 2017 the year to work on that. You could buy some self-help and hypnosis books and apps. You could take a course or speak to your GP. Your fears and phobias could even be standing in the way of you advancing in your career. For example if you freeze up when it comes to giving presentations or public speaking, you might not be able to advance if these are necessary for a promotion. Phobias are deeply ingrained into our subconscious and can be difficult to beat, but with patience and determination it is possible to move past them. Sure, you might not ever adore spiders and want one as a pet, and you will probably never actively enjoy speaking in front of a crowd. However, these things can be made bearable enough for you to live your life without being held back.
Hobbies are good for us in so many ways. They give us something productive to do in our spare time. In many cases they introduce a social aspect, you are in touch with like minded people who automatically all have at least one thing in common. They can also help to build your self esteem, as when you are practicing a hobby you get better and better at it. Plus, it is a fun and enjoyable way to spend your time, as you are not getting bored wasting your time off in front of the TV or turning to unhealthy vices like alcohol. If you choose an active hobby, it also gives you the benefit of getting a workout in too. The best thing about that is when it is fun you do not feel like you are just exercising. Explore different hobbies and work out what you enjoy. Try different clubs and groups or look online to see what is available. Buy any equipment you need, and invest the time into practicing the hobby. It could be a sport, a musical instrument, a craft, whatever you want. As long as it makes you happy!
Finally, travel is an excellent way to invest in yourself. If you get the opportunity, take some time off work and explore the places you have always wanted to go. Not just tourist destinations, go off the beaten path and really experience what other locations in the world are like. If you have no one to travel with, go solo! If you cannot take time out, you could use your weekends and holidays to do this instead. Visit as many places as you can and take it all in. Travel gives you stories to tell and makes you interesting in the best possible ways. As well as being fun and exciting, there is more to it than just the enjoyment factor. Travel can help open up your eyes, show you who you are, and give you a whole new perspective on life. This is always going to be money well spent.
Thus, make 2017 a year to improve yourself and your life. As the saying goes, you cannot pour from an empty cup. Take care of yourself and this will allow you to take care of others. Work on anything that makes you unhappy and insecure and nothing in life will ever stop you!