How To Keep Your Kids Engaged During The Holidays

June 29, 2017

As always, summer days give your kids a welcome distraction from the ups and downs of school life. In addition to that, you are able to spend more time with them. Taking that cooking class you have been planning to take with your daughter can now easily happen.

However, this holiday can be both a blessing and a curse at the same time. Since the kids get to spend so much time at home, it can become impossible to supervise them, as you run your errands. It also becomes impractical to carry them wherever you go. To keep young kids away from mischief you can have them watch mum mum tv on Youtube as they are watched by an older sibling.

Not only is mum mum tv’s children songs a creative way to keep kids engaged, it is also educative. Talk about hitting two birds with one stone. For the older siblings you will need to do these kinds of activities to keep them engaged:


They say art is one of the best forms of expression. Before embarking on any ambitious art project, find out which type your child loves or is best suited to. Some of the art projects you could embark on include: jewelry making, sketching, and painting.

Once an art project has been chosen, make sure you have all the tools required. If you are looking to create an original piece, let the child express themselves. You could also choose to challenge each other and see who comes up with the best piece. This way your kid is occupied at all times and free from mischief.

Garage Sale

Getting your kids hustle on is one of a parents proudest moments. An easy way to have them fired up is to have a garage sale. Promise them proceeds of the sale as pocket money and they will act like a dog with a bone.

Here you will have the kids collect all the items not in use and put them up for sale. Make sure each item chosen has not been used in a while, so as to avoid selling off valuable or frequently used items. As soon as the collection is done, have the kids share information to their friends of the impending sale. Involving them in the sales will make them appreciate the value of money and who knows you might have just created the next billionaire?


I believe that apart from love, the next best thing a parent can give to their child is the love for books. During the holidays, try and create time to visit local libraries to find new books to gobble up for both you and your kid. Each time they finish the book, ask questions regarding the book to find out how much they have learned through the whole experience. This way you will keep them out of trouble, while giving them insight into life.


The first thought that came into your mind was out in the woods or forest, right? Well, you can easily pitch up a tent in your backyard and have a fun-filled camping experience. All that really matters is how much time you want to spend time with your kid.


Any of these fun-filled activities will have your kid giddy with excitement and it will help your bond with them grow closer.

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Andi Perullo de Ledesma

I am Andi Perullo de Ledesma, a Chinese Medicine Doctor and Travel Photojournalist in Charlotte, NC. I am also wife to Lucas and mother to Joaquín. Follow us as we explore life and the world one beautiful adventure at a time.

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