On our second and last day of our trip to Atlanta, Georgia we decided to spend it at Zoo Atlanta. My husband and I had visited years ago and it left a lasting impression on us, so we were excited to see how Joaquín would react once he was there. This would be his first visit to a zoo of any kind! On a side note, I would recommend investing in a CityPASS if you plan to visit the Georgia Aquarium and Zoo Atlanta like we did. We had used the CityPASS on a previous trip and were amazed at how much cash it saved us. Unfortunately, we forgot to buy it on this trip and I regret that.
When we visited Zoo Atlanta it was still pretty chilly outside. I must admit it was nicer to walk around without sweating, however be advised that 1) some exhibits are not open during the cooler months and 2) if the exhibits are open the animals might not want to come out in the cold.
I was most excited to view the elephants, but sadly they were not interested in being outside. Having said that, seeing Joaquín next to a baby elephant statue fulfilled any desire that I had in that moment. Too much cuteness!
I think Joaquín’s favorite part of Zoo Atlanta was the petting zoo section. He was slightly apprehensive at first, but after he saw his father touch them without getting bitten, he lost any fear he had.
The only problem we faced after the petting zoo was that Joaquín now wanted to touch every animal he saw!
Last time we visited Zoo Atlanta, we were able to see tiger and panda cubs. This time we were not as lucky, but still being able to see the mothers were amazing in itself.
You know you have had a successful trip when your child has a permanant smile on their face!
The last exhibit was my husband’s favorite, as you could get up close and personal with the giraffes. He later told me it was a moment he will never forget.
Our trip to Atlanta was short and sweet, but since we only saw 1/4 of what we wanted to see, we definitely have a good reason to return soon. We might even stay in the same AirBnB!

You seriously are the best blogger online!
Awwww thank you so much!!!
So cute boy looks really very nice. God bless him.
These are really very beautiful photographs and the child in these photographs is very cute and taken my heart away. Thanks for sharing this post.
Awww what lovely comments! Thank you so much!!!
It’s so adorable that your boy looks so happy petting those animals. I would be that excited too if I get the chance to pet those cute goats.
Thank you so much, he had the best time!