A Beginners Guide To Gardening

April 4, 2019

A garden is a beautiful addition to any home. If you are lucky enough to have a garden on your property, then you are probably ready to get growing. Even if you are a complete novice, it is possible for you to have the best garden in town. 

This simple guide will help you get your garden planted and ready to harvest.


Step 1: Beware Of Weeds

Weeds are a gardener’s worst nightmare. If left untreated, weeds will overtake your garden, harming neighbouring plants. Before you plant, you need to clear out any weeds in the area. One effective way to do this as a new gardener is to use a multi purpose weed feed and moss killer, this can help to kill off weeds and reduce moss growth which can make the garden an unsightly mess. At the same time products like this can help to fertilise your lawn and feed the soil with nutrients to help your garden grow without the mess of weeds between it all. 

Once you have successfully removed all weeds, you will want to put something down to prevent them from growing again. A thick layer of mulch should do the trick. Best of all, mulch not only protects your garden from weeds, but it also nourishes the soil and surrounding plants.

Step 2: Choose Your Plants Wisely

Knowing what you want to grow is very important. Many beginners start with plants that are easy to manage. Shrubs and trees usually need little to no maintenance. If you want to plant a vegetable garden, look for hardy options, like onions, spinach, or peas. These spout quickly and do not require a green thumb to grow.

Flower gardens are sometimes more difficult to manage, but they are beautiful. Ask a local gardener for advice on which flowers will work best in your garden. Some flowers should be planted in early Spring, while others do not bloom until Summer. If you want to grow mushrooms, you need to get mushroom spore first.

Step 3: Manage Pests

Insects and rodents are commonly found in gardens. While it may be tempting to eradicate them all, this is not necessary. In fact, doing so may be detrimental to your garden. You need to know which pests are good and which are not.

The most devastating insects include weevils, aphids, caterpillars, and whiteflies. While it is important to protect your crops from these pests, there are other insects that are beneficial. Your garden needs bees to pollinate, ladybirds to get aphids, and violet ground beetles to destroy weevils.

Step 4: Purchase Gardening Tools

If you want to keep your garden looking its best all year long, you need the right tools for the job. When it comes to removing weeds, nothing works better than a hand fork. You will need a hand trowel and spade to plant crops of all sizes. A border fork will help you prepare the soil for planting by breaking up roots and aerating the ground. You can use a set of secateurs or lopping shears to cut stems and trim shrubs. Of course, you should always wear a pair of protective gardening gloves. Be sure to clean and properly store all your tools when not in use.

Trying your hand at mushroom cultivation? Quality mushroom-growing tools are key to saving time, maximizing your resources, and getting a great harvest. Once you get the hang of using these tools, growing mushrooms will be a breeze.

Getting your first garden ready is a fun task. You do not need to be an expert to have a lovely garden. Before you know it, you will be enjoying the fruits — or vegetables — of your labor.

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Andi Perullo de Ledesma

I am Andi Perullo de Ledesma, a Chinese Medicine Doctor and Travel Photojournalist in Charlotte, NC. I am also wife to Lucas and mother to Joaquín. Follow us as we explore life and the world one beautiful adventure at a time.

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