When it comes to style, you may be rolling your eyes at the way your partner dresses. Is there any way you can teach an old dog new tricks if he simply does not care about the way he looks? Also, how do you go about approaching the subject without upsetting their feelings? It can be a difficult one — and we do not envy you.
Do not fret too much about it! Having this conversation does not have to be as awkward as you may imagine. These four tips below should give you some great starting points on how to easily up his fashion game:
Focus on the best fit
One of the main blunders of any man’s styling is the fit of the garment. If it is too big or tight, then the clothing will not be doing him any favors. Many men have the misconception that being well-dressed is down to the clothes they are wearing, over how they are wearing it; which is one of the first biggest mistakes. If he needs a suit for work, for example, choose a style that he likes, but constantly remind him that fit is the most important. If the jacket does not sit right in certain places, look for another option or encourage him to take it to a tailor to get it darted.
Choose clothing to fit his personality — not yours!
It can be easy to get carried away when it comes to purchasing clothes for you man to the point where you have a basket full of clothes he does not even like. It is best to remember that a person’s clothing says a lot about them, so if they have any chance of pulling off a look, they need to wear the outfit with an air of confidence. If they are not feeling it, they are not going to rock it.
Go shopping together and give some guidance, without being too overpowering in your suggestions. Allow him to select clothes that both of you like and you will notice he’ll be more inclined to stick to his new fashion sense.
Choose timeless style
Clothing goes out of fashion extremely quickly, meaning that the items you bought last month no longer are on trend. For men, the very idea of this could turn their head away from fashion completely, especially if they have no desire to live up to expectations. If your man has no interest in fashion, then it would be more worthwhile to invest in timeless and classic style such as the ‘preppy trend’. These pieces will become a staple in his wardrobe for the years ahead. Take a cashmere sweater or cardigan for example; it is both durable and luxuriously soft and will act as a stylish layering option over a t-shirt and jeans on relaxed weekends. State Cashmere has a wide variety of designs available on their website to browse through.
Inspire him with celebrities
What better way to show your man what is in fashion right now than to inspire him with celebrity pictures? You can sit down together a browse through some of the best looks this season to give him some ideas on what to look for on his next shopping trip. Of course, this is all part of experimenting with the styles he does and does not like, but it is a good way of getting started.