Many people have a lot of vacation photos they would like to display, but they are not sure what to do with them. Luckily, there are many ways you can take those vacation photos out of storage and turn them into artful display pieces within your home. The following information will provide a closer look at ten great ways to give your vacation photos new life and to spruce up your home by adding some focal interest:
Create Seashell Photo Holders
Creating your own seashell photo holders is likely easier than you think. You simply need to wrap a medium to large seashell with some wire in order to secure it. Then, simply create a long rod shape with a loop at the end that you can slide your photos into. This will work great for beach photos, and you can also use various other souvenirs from your travels to achieve the same effect.
Print Photos Onto Canvas
Printing photos onto canvas prints are a great way to display them on your walls. You can either have this done professionally, or you can turn it into a fun DIY project. You simply take your photos and mod-podge them onto a canvas of the same size, or you can have your photos enlarged to adhere them to a larger stretch canvas. Either way, this will help you display your photos in a fun and aesthetically pleasing way while helping to add a bit of focal interest to your walls.
Create A Clothespin Display
Creating a clothespin display is a fun DIY project that is easy and inexpensive. First, you will need to find a frame. Then, you simply need to stretch wire from each side of the frame and create multiple rows. Lastly, you just need to attach clothespins to the wires and then hang your photos from them. If you are not feeling very crafty, you can also purchase pre-made displays. This will work best with polaroids, which will give it a hint of nostalgia, or you can use regular photos. You can even add a small string of twinkle lights for an extra pop.
Have Photos Turned Into Paintings
If you are artistic, you can do this yourself. However, there are also various places online that you can commission a painting to be completed for you. You will simply need to provide the artist with the vacation photos you would like them to work from. The end result will make a great display piece, and this is an excellent way to transform your photos in order to give them a new life.
Purchase A Custom Calendar
Custom calendars are a great way to turn your vacation photos into something functional. There are many companies who provide this service, and it is a relatively inexpensive option. Not only will this give you the opportunity to display your favorite images from your vacation, but it will also allow you to write down important events, and even create a countdown until your next amazing trip.
Turn Images Into A Mural
Again, if you are very artistically inclined, this would make a great DIY project. However, for those who are not so good with a brush and paint, you can always have a mural of your photos printed out for you. This is a great way to make your photos larger than life, and will allow you to create a dramatic focal wall that will certainly become an excellent conversation piece.
Create A Gallery Wall
If you have a lot of vacation photos that you would like to display together, why not create a gallery wall? This is an easy DIY project that will not require a lot of time or effort. You simply need to find various frames that fit your design aesthetic and then determine a suitable layout. If you are unsure where to start, there are various templates available online that you can use to create an interesting layout.
Make A Photo Map
Photo maps are fun and are a great way to pinpoint the destinations you have traveled to. You can paint your own map or purchase a large map for this project. Then, you can attach your vacation photos according to their destination. This will help to show you how much you have traveled, and may even give you the motivation to get out and see more of the world.