Wildlife is becoming increasingly threatened and it has never been more important to ensure that we protect it and help our animals and insects to survive. Many people are now creating wildlife havens in dedicated areas of their back gardens, and it is surprisingly easy to do. Whether you have a space ready to use or need demolition contractors to clear the area first, the next steps will ensure that you are playing your part in environmental and wildlife issues.
Plan out a dedicated space or integrate it with other aspects of your garden
If you have a large garden area with considerable space, then you may like to create a dedicated area for your wildlife haven. However, if your garden is on the smaller side, there are still ways that you can integrate wildlife-friendly additions into each area. If you have an outdoor seating area or patio, perhaps you could add some terracotta plant pots with gorgeous floral displays. These will look fantastic and attract a plethora of bugs, bees, and garden friendly inspects. Placing a bird bath somewhere in your garden will also help to ensure that our feathered friends have their own little space to take a bath or have a drink.
Create a pond to attract wildlife and help them to thrive
A further extension to this could be to build a garden pond. By doing this, you will attract and house various garden-friendly critters including frogs, toads, insects, and even endangered species such as newts. You do not need a pond pump to create the perfect environment, many plants will help keep your water clean and usable for small visitors. Plants such as duckweed, hornwort, watercress, and water lettuce will all help to ensure that your water is looking its best in quality and clarity.
Consider placing rocks and pieces of wood into your pond. Areas of height will give critters a place to rest when they need to take a break from swimming. You could also create a rockery, which would offer some very welcome hiding places around the pond itself. You will soon find that you have attracted frogspawn, water-loving insects, and much more. Guide to garden ponds will help you greatly when creating one!
Which plants will attract beneficial bees and insects to your garden?
Many plants will not only attract birds, bees, and insects into your garden, but that look great too. Be sure to add the below to your checklist:
Calendula – calendula is a vibrant plant that will add a pop of colour to any garden. This wonderful flower also helps to ward off pests such as slugs and snails. Plant it in between your vegetables for the best effect. Don’t forget to harvest the flowers as these make excellent medicinal creams and salves.
Sunflowers – birds, bees, and more will love to flutter past your sunflowers. These are an excellent way of adding height and interest to any area of your garden.
Blue Borage – honeybees are wildly attracted to this beautiful blue flower, so be sure to plant some when creating your wildlife haven.