There is a certain expectation to living healthily. People expect it to look a certain way, or to seem effortless in its execution, and the image we are presented on social media really feeds into this!
However, living a healthy lifestyle looks a little different for every person and every family. The only way to know you are living one is to take stock of the way you are feeling, what you are seeing, and the progress you have made. And that is what this post is here to help with; here are three surefire signs you are living a healthy lifestyle.
You Are Happy
If you are happy, take this as the most surefire sign that you are doing the things you need to in life. You are feeling good enough for it to reflect in your mental state, and even if you are not in the best frame of physical health right now, you are feeling like you are in a good place.
And when you feel like you are in a good place, and you can be both thankful and grateful about what you have or what might be coming your way, your physical health is more likely to improve as well.
You Attend All Your Doctor Appointments
If you are able to get to every medical appointment in your diary, it is a pretty good sign you are taking care of yourself! From choosing a hearing specialist to seeing a dentist when a tooth feels wobbly or sensitive, you make sure you are there and ready to get your check up over and done with. And when it comes to a healthy lifestyle, that is one of the best habits to have.
Some people find it difficult to keep this pace up, and if you are one of them, let us be the first to congratulate you on sticking to your guns and getting your health looked at. Medical professionals are here to help, even if you have had to deal with a few horror stories in the past. Even if you have had to rearrange an appointment here and there, you are doing your best to look after yourself.
You Have Developed Coping Mechanisms That Actually Work
We all have a coping mechanism we rely on, even if we do not think we do. Watching funny TV shows when the world feels too heavy, for example, or cooking up a lovely meal when we feel stressed or even angry. These are both examples of coping mechanisms, despite the fact that very few people would call them that!
The more subtle the coping mechanism, the more likely it is to be good for you. Even if you have caused some big problems in the past with the ones you rely on, you can make a difference going forward.
Say you now vent frustration through writing, instead of shouting or looking for arguments with loved ones. That is a good way to shift a coping mechanism from unhealthy to healthy, and it is a sign you are living the life you need to.
Are you living a healthy lifestyle? Only you can decide!