Tag Archives: home

One Room Challenge Spring 2016: Week Two

Kitchen Makeover
April 13, 2016
If you have not already read my Week One post, please click here, so that you can get all caught up. As you know, I have chosen to makeover my kitchen. Week Two of the One Room Challenge is all about showing what progress you have accomplished thus far. So,...

One Room Challenge Spring 2016: Week One

April 12, 2016
I am so very excited to be partaking in the One Room Challenge (ORC) as a Guest Participant this Spring 2016. To be perfectly honest, I never imagined that I would own a home AND that I would love decorating it as much as I do. As a previous-nomad, the idea...

Tips For Choosing The Right Stools For Your Kitchen

March 22, 2016
I am sure you think choosing barstools is as easy as walking into a furniture shop and choosing the ones that catch your eye and are within your budget. As simple as that, right? Wrong! There are so many considerations that go into buying the right stool. You need to...

Travel And Home Decor– Useful Tips For A Better Life

March 16, 2016
Traveling is an enjoyable experience when you are well prepared. Even if you want to be spontaneous, it is still advisable to take some factors into consideration. The more prepared you are for a trip, the more fulfilling it will be. Travel goes beyond reaching your destination and visiting some...

Mistakes To Avoid When Buying Sofas

March 12, 2016
Any time that you may be shopping for new furniture, you can find yourself getting easily overwhelmed. All you need to do is check out a furniture sale that Melbourne is having at any given time and as excited as you may get by the prospect of owning a new...