Dearest Secretary Clinton,
First and foremost, I want to let you know that I have never in my life been more proud of someone that I do not know personally. You might have lost the election and you did not break the highest and hardest glass ceiling, but you have changed the world for the better. Not many people can say that and I hope that as you grieve your loss you remind yourself of that every single day for the rest of your life.
I have been one of your biggest fans and champions for as long as I knew you existed. I followed your career and prayed that you would run for President one day. When you lost to President Obama I was sad, however I knew that he was the right person for the time (I think he will forever be known as one of the greatest Presidents in the history of the United States). I also knew, even though you would not admit it for a long time, that you would run again and when you did you would be the right person for the time. I am 100% convinced that I was correct in this belief, even though I was unable to address this letter to you as Madame President. Lest us not forget, however, you did win the popular vote.
My heart is literally broken. I have sobbed, I have not been able to eat, and I have not been able to sleep. As a Mom, I tried to hide my sadness, so that my son would not tap into my pain and only see me as a strong person. Then I realized, there is nothing to be ashamed of, and that he should see it is okay to be sad when the things you so strongly believe in do not come to fruition. While I am devastated that you are not the 45th President, I will always be able to look my son in his big, beautiful, brown eyes and tell him, “Your Mom and Dad were on the right side of history.”
My husband is a proud immigrant from Argentina. If you have a moment, please read his powerful immigration story. I cannot put into words what it felt like to walk into our polling place and vote for you together. It cemented our marriage even deeper than it already is. My father was there too. From the moment I was born, he has told me that my gender will never get in the way of my future. While it is difficult for me to see that now after this election, I do fervently believe that I will one day see a woman President in the White House and that is because of the path you have so bravely paved.
I need to admit something to you and I do not think you are going to be proud of me. You begged your supporters, “When they go low, you go high.” and “Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can.” When I found out you lost, I went low. I felt like hate had won and the only way to make myself feel better was returning hate with hate. I regret that, because I know you would have expected more from me. Thus, from this moment on, while I will not be silenced and I will fight for freedom and justice for ALL, I will do it in a respectful and peaceful manner.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being my inspiration and my hero. I cannot imagine stepping into your shoes for even one minute. When everything was on the line you unwaveringly stood up, battled your way to the bitter end, and gave it your all. In your concession speech you said something that was life changing for me, “Let us have faith in each other. Let us not grow weary and lose heart, for there are more seasons to come and there is more work to do.” I promise with every ounce of my being, I will never give up, because there is no doubt in my mind that we are stronger together.
With my deepest gratitude and love,

Dearest Andi,
I’ve followed your writing, your adventures for years. You got married, shared your pregnancy pains, and had a baby. Then we’ve watched him grow to a toddler, and even though we’ve never met, I somehow feel we’re good friends. The Argentine connection doesn’t hurt.
Thank you for writing such an unfailingly honest tribute. It brought tears to my eyes.
Besitos to you and your gorgeous, loving family.
And now I am crying again! But happy tears!!! I feel like we are good friends as well and right now I just want to be surrounded by good friends. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your comment — means the world to me you just have no idea! Wish I could reach through the screen and give you a huge beso! Besitos to you and your gorgeous, loving family as well!!! Thank you again!
Like you, I am distraught over the outcome of the election. It’s painful to realize one of my heroes will not be our inspirational leader. I’m even more unsettled to find Trumpism is pervasive in this nation.
I share so many of the feelings you’ve shared. Thank you for stating them so beautifully.
You are so welcome and thank you for your deeply kind and thoughtful words! It is so so so painful to me that my inspirational leader will not be our leader. I am not sure how to get past that to be honest? To be me she was my hero and even Democrats were saying, “she was the lesser of the two evils.” Evil? HRC evil??? In my eyes she is a saint what she has done for our country! Big hugs my friend, stay strong!
I love this Andi. Our stories are soooo similar. I thank you for feeling with deep passion your love for us immigrants. I also thank you for putting in words the feelings that I have and I am not able to say in English. We are on the right side of history and our children will grow up so proud of us. You are the kind of friend I need in my life to always keep me cheered up and bring possitive vibes. Love, Jessica.
Just wish I could hug you through the screen Jessica!!! Our stories are SO similar. You don’t have to thank me — 1) I am a daughter of immigrants myself and 2) immigrants are the best thing about the US in my opinion. I will fight for immigrant rights until the day I’m dead. If you ever need help writing something in English please let me know. I would be happy to help you okay? Thank god we were on the right side of history for our babies!!! Have a wonderful time in Ecuador and I look forward to seeing you when you get back. TQM
Brilliantly said my friend!
Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
Thank you for sharing your views about this! So nice that you made it an open letter to her. I share many of the same sentiments. XO
I wanted people to know just how much I adore her and how devastating this loss was for me, not because I am a Democrat, but because my hero lost. I hope your hurt and pain are getting less and less with each passing day. <3