Acne is a bit of pester. And embarrassing too. Almost everyone has to go through this experience. Fortunately there is a lot of information that can be obtained ahead from sites like Internet makes it so much easier to fight with acne these days. Once the acne slowly fades, you have the dark spots that they leave to take care of. There are multiple factors that can cause acne, like pollution or genes, or hormonal fluctuations. Here are the six ways to beat acne and have a healthy skin:
1. Stick to a proper skincare routine
Skin needs its nourishment. It is exposed to pollution, heat, cold, and other elements on a daily. So, it is highly necessary to find the skin care products that suit your skin well. As we all know, the golden CTM rule (Cleanse, Tone, Moisturize) is enough and it works wonders too. Also, apply homemade face packs and get a facial regularly to keep the skin healthy and glowing. Exfoliation is also quite helpful in removing the dead skin cells which also has a part in better moisturizing.
2. CBD
Sounds strange, doesn’t it? How can Cannabidiol help you control acne, you ask? Well, CBD is full of antioxidants, which can make you look quite youthful and beat any signs of aging and wrinkles. CBD can not only regulate the oil production in your skin, but also soothe any discomfort there is due to acne, due to its anti-inflammatory properties. CBD is found in the form of oils and lotions and you can incorporate them into your daily skincare routine. Or you can also have CBD supplements.
3. Get Moving
You know that stress is a serious contributing factor to acne? Sebum cells have receptors for stress hormones and the more you stress, the more breakouts you are gonna have. Therefore, throw the stress out of the window. Practice meditation or yoga regularly. Get moving and sweat it out. Exercise releases feel-good hormones and they are awesome for your physical and mental health overall.
4. Pay attention to what you eat
Always, always pay attention to what you eat. It is extremely important that you eat the right kinds of food. You can go to a dietician and get to know about the kind of foods that are good for your body. Avoid too many carbs. Do you know your sweet tooth can also be causing a problem to your skin? Too much sugar is never good. When you start eating healthy and exercising, things will gradually fall into place.
5. Tea tree oil
We touch our faces about 2000-3000 times a day on an average! And imagine all the bacteria that is transferring to places through this. Tea tree oil is great at killing bacteria and keeping the infection in check. It is also full of anti-inflammatory properties and it will reduce the intensity of acne. Tea tree oil is generally strong, so if you have sensitive skin, use it by diluting it. But, keep a tab on how it is working because tea tree oil can make your skin dry, which can worsen your situation.
6. Omega 3 fatty acids
Another prominent cause for acne is a hormonal imbalance. Omega 3 fatty acids can help you up on that front. Omega 3 is filled with antioxidants and can reduce the inflammation. Not just that, it also helps any scars from the acne fade relatively sooner. It regulates the oil production of the skin and makes your skin clearer and shinier. It is also quite beneficial in making your hair softer and smoother.
Along with these, hydrate, hydrate, and hydrate. Drink enough water, get a good night’s sleep and do not stress on the small things in life!