People want a clean slate for different reasons. Some have a troubled past and history while others are simply tired of the way their lives are going and want something new. Whatever the reasoning, here are six ways to start fresh.
Change Your Scenery
Not everyone can afford to change their scenery, but doing so is a really good way to start a new life. Changing your scenery can include moving to a different apartment, town, city, state, or even a new country. Going on a long trip and eventually returning can also help someone hit the reset button. If you do decide to change your scenery, the best way to actually live a different life in this new place is to not bring your old habits and mindsets with you.
Reboot Your Life
A change of scenery only lasts for so long when you continue to be the same person and carry over the same habits. If you are a hermit at your current residence, then you will likely be a hermit at your future residence — you have to make changes in your life if you want, well, changes in your life.
You can start to reboot your life by eliminating bad habits and incorporate good ones. For example, you can exercise more and put more emphasis on your sleeping, which by itself can have a drastically positive effect on your life. You can also reboot your life by no longer associating with toxic people who bring you down and start building healthy relationships in response.
Most people’s lives don’t change overnight. The key is to make positives changes over time and work on aspects of your life, one by one, or as much as you can reasonably handle.
Go To Rehab (If Needed)
If you struggle with addiction and want a fresh start, then one of the best things you can do is go to rehab. You can find a drug rehab in Toronto or wherever you live and get the help you need from professionals. Rehab can help you detox safely. It can help you work on your problems and identify why you abuse drugs or alcohol. On top of countless other benefits, rehab gives you a safe space to work on your problems and be around people who are going through similar situations.
Apologize And Move On
If you are in search of a fresh start, then you might have wronged people in your past. If possible, an option is to sincerely apologize to these people for the mistakes you have made and finally move on. It is important to remember that all you can do is apologize — you cannot make others forgive you as that is their right.
Living with regrets or in the past is not a healthy way to live your life. You are a different person than you used to be. Prove it by making amends, moving on, and creating a better life and version of yourself.

Photo Credit: Element5 Digital from Unsplash
Change Career Paths
OK, so not everyone deals with some of the troubles above. Some people are just unfulfilled at their jobs and want something more exciting from a work standpoint. In that case, you can go back to college to pursue your passion. As an example, if criminal justice is your passion, then you can enroll and earn an online criminal justice degree. You can even do this alongside your current job and make progress toward your dream career while financially sustaining yourself and your studies.
Start Living On Your Own Terms
If you want to start fresh, then you, of course, need to make changes, but you also need to change your perspective and the way you view the world. You can achieve this by living on your own terms and rules (within reason and do not break the law).
While it is still important to practice empathy and to have mutually beneficial relationships, if you have been living your life by someone else’s guidelines, then that needs to change. If you only do things because other people want to do those things, then that needs to change. Yes, life and relationships are all about making sacrifices but you deserve a say in what you want to do and how you live your life.
Starting fresh takes time and can take some soul-searching, but you can live a more fulfilling and meaningful life. The above strategies are just the beginning but can certainly help you start fresh.