Watching | Homeland
> Seriously, is there a better show on TV? Oh, how I love the plot twists in every episode! I just wish Damian Lewis was still alive. I keep hoping they will bring hime back somehow. A girl can dream, right?
Reading | Design blogs
> I am completely redesigning my office space and I am constantly looking for inspiration online via design blogs. I plan on doing a huge reveal soon, so stay tuned for that! I am getting lots of awesome help from Emma at Defined Designs Blog. In the almost decade that I have been practicing Chinese Medicine, I have never once decorated my office space the way I wanted to, because I was always sharing it with someone else or I decorated it gender neutral and very Asian looking. No more! It is time to be surrounded by an office space that I truly admire; that way my patients feel like they are getting the best of me.
Working On | Finding the perfect location
> After some “serious” debate between Lucas and I on what our son should wear for his first Halloween costume — Lucas won. Joaquín is going to be a monkey! Personally, I wanted him to be a lobster, but I know he is going to make the cutest monkey ever. We found the perfect costume, however now I am trying to find the perfect location to take pictures of him wearing it. I might have found it yesterday when I took him to our favorite park?
Feeling | Ridiculously excited
> There are SO many exciting moments that are coming up for my family. My husband is getting his US Citizenship after what has felt like an excruciating, never-ending process (5 looong years in the making) and Joaquín gets to celebrate his first Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s Eve!
Planning | Joaquín’s first Birthday party
> Can you even believe that we are two months away from Joaquín turning one? I certainly cannot! While I wish time would slow down, I am also so proud of the amazing little boy my son is becoming. I did not think that I wanted his first Birthday party to be a big deal, but I have changed my mind. I am not ready to reveal the theme of the party, although I can say it is going to be really, really good.
Loving | Unexpected support and encouragement during a time of need
> After I admitted in this post that I am suffering from postpartum depression and anxiety, I received an unexpected outpouring of support and encouragement from my friends and people I have never met through comments on the post, emails, texts, etc. I cannot thank everyone enough for the love, as it was desperately needed! I am working on responding to every single message I received. If you have not received a response from me yet, please know that you will soon. My depth of gratitude is boundless!
My Favorite Photo | An autumn moment
> I try to take walks with Joaquín as often as I can. Our hometown of Charlotte, North Carolina is prettiest during the fall season. This photo was taken during a walk the other day and the weather could not have been nicer. My son is obsessed with leaves and if we let him play with them, he tries to eat them. On a side-note: we found one in his diaper the other day. I hope you laughed when you read that, because I am still laughing about that happening myself!
What is currently going on with you? You can read my last Currently update here.

We LOVE Homeland! We’ve only gotten through season 3 over here on Netflix, but I can’t wait for the next season to be available. Have you watched Narcos yet? That’s been our latest.
It’s such an amazing show right? Every episode is better than the next! I wish I could get Lucas to watch it with me. He’s more into HGTV and Animal Planet though haha! I started Narcos, but got sidetracked. Cata had recommended it to me. I will definitely watch it soon!
I knew you would want to dress him like a lobster. I found a lobster costume and thought of you. My husband got Zoe a cheerleader outfit of his favorite college team. I wanted to dress her like a monkey. It is ok though, he wanted to take her to the football games but I do not let him because those games are super long and either too hot or too cold. So instead l let him pick Zoes costume for Halloween. Congrats to Lucas for becoming a gringo soon. I have not done it yet because after all that immigration awful experience I decide to take a break. But my husband keeps telling me to do it in order to vote. I am thinking of doing it after I loose some of my baby weight, I still look pregnant and I worry about my picture with the flag. LOL
Awww I love that you saw a lobster costume and thought about us, that you wanted to dress Zoe as a monkey too, and that you also let your husband choose haha! Becoming a citizen is SO MUCH work and money, but we were exhausted with the green card nonsense. Finally this all going to be over SOON! Trust me, if you apply now, you will have plenty of time to lose the baby weight and be able to vote!!! 🙂
I think that little kids’ Halloween costumes are one solid reason for having kids in the first place (says someone without any!). I saw a big/little brother duo recently as a monkey and banana, which was freaking adorable. I’m sure that next year’s lobster idea will be perfect – and he’ll be walking/running which would be cute with the claws!
OMG a monkey and a banana!!! That is SO cute! And yes, next year he is DEFINITELY going to be a lobster haha! I hope he pinches his dad with his claws! 😉
I love that you found a leaf in your son’s diaper. What a hoot! 🙂 I am rejoicing in rain this week, and the green that has followed in its wake. 🙂
We’ve had rain for too long over here! My poor son is so SICK of being in the house. He’s definitely an outdoor boy — hence leaf in his diaper haha!!! Enjoy the green!
Funny, I keep thinking they are going to come up with some way to bring Damien Lewis back too!
Oh how I wish!!! That would be over the top, but in such a good way! 🙂
Agreed with the BRING BACK DAMIEN sentiment!
Amen sista!
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