Watching | The Oscar Nominated Movies
> My husband and I used to go to the movies once a week before our son was born. Now that Joaquín is here, we are lucky if we go to the movies once every six months. So, I downloaded all of the Oscar nominated movies and we have been watching them whenever we get the chance. Usually it takes a week or so to see one in its entirety (since I have a habit of falling asleep on Lucas about five minutes into the movie)! Thankfully, he does not mind watching scenes over and over again. Thus far, my favorite we have seen has been Spotlight. Which movie do you think is going to win? Do you have a suggestion on a movie we should download?
Reading | Design Blogs
> Ever since decorating Joaquín’s nursery and my Wellness Center, I have had the decorating bug! I cannot tell you how excited I am to decorate our new house. Any free minute I have is now spent searching for inspiration on design blogs. I would have never imagined that design blogs would have taken my attention away from travel blogs in a million years. I guess there is a season for everything?
Working On | My Pinterest Page
> I will admit, I was a tad late to the Pinterest game. It took me a while to catch on, to care, to curate, to figure out my style, my subject matter, what you wanted to actually be seeing there as a follower, and what I wanted to actually share. As a photographer, I know how important Pinterest is, thus I am in the middle of completely redoing my page. If you would like to follow me along, click here.
Feeling | Frustrated
> Guess what today was supposed to be? House closing day! However, some pretty big issues came to light this week and our closing day is now pushed to February 29th. I have been told by many that this totally normal, but I was so looking forward to having the keys to our new house in my hands and celebrating all weekend long.
Planning | Housewarming Party
> My husband and I are not big entertainers, but we do eventually want to have a housewarming party. I am just in the beginning stages of planning the party, however I have some cute ideas in mind.
Loving | My Online Community
> Half of the time I hate anything to do with being online, the other half the time I cannot imagine living in a world without being able to be online. Right now though, I am loving my online community that I have developed over the last decade. Any time I have a problem, such as when I struggled with postpartum depression and anxiety, my online friends did not hesitate to send me countless messages of love and support. They did it again when I announced that our house would not be closing on time. I just want everyone to know how much you mean to me!
My Favorite Photo | Love
> I remember the days when Lucas and I would travel somewhere exotic for Valentine’s Day, like the time we went to the Cayman Islands. For our second Valentine’s Day with our son, we spent most of it snuggled up in bed watching Disney movies. I would not have it any other way!

What is currently going on with you? You can read my last Currently update here.

I’ve been SO busy lately and finally catching up on some blogs. Congratulations on your new home!! I know the process of buying can be frustrating (as is selling, repairing, and dealing with pretty much everything else home-related), but it still feels worth it when you kick up your feet at night, look around, and know that it’s yours.
What a great birthday gift for your son!
Yes yes yes, exactly what you said! Believe it or not you were a huge inspiration for me.